SURMOB: Social Mobility in Suriname

   Researchers: Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, Tamira E. Sno, Regien G. Riedewald


Last update: October 20, 2024



The SURMOB project studies patterns of social stratification and social mobility in Suriname.  Despite its highly interesting social history, Suriname is only rarely considered in international comparative social research. The project collects quantitative survey data on social stratification, social mobility, migration and related social attitudes among nationally representative samples. This data collection is also aimed at integrating Suriname into the International Social Survey Programme [ISSP].


The projects are funded by NUFFIC and VU University Amsterdam. VU PhD researchers Sno and Riedewald are Lecturers at Anton de Kom University of Suriname.


Tamira Sno’s PhD project Social Mobility and Status Attainment in Suriname, supervised by Ganzeboom, studies pattern of social mobility and occupational status attainment among Surinamese.


Project Proposal


Short CV Tamira Sno


Regien Riedewald’s PhD project Drop Out: a Waste of Human Resources? also supervised by Ganzeboom, studies educational attainment, and in particular the prevalence, antecedents and consequences of early school-leaving. This project has been suspended as of 2020.

Project Proposal

Publications and Presentations from the SURMOB project


Data & Data documentation