2022 |
Ganzeboom, Harry BG, and Tamira E Sno. 2022. “The Validity and Reliability of Detailed and Crude Measures of Occupation in ISSP 2009-2019.” Presentation at Cambridge Social Stratification Seminar. Stirling UK. |
2022 |
Sno, Tamira E. & Harry BG Ganzeboom. 2022. “Measuring Level Of Education In Suriname, With Special Reference To Incomplete Qualifications – An Optimal Scaling Approach”. Poster presented at ECSR, Amsterdam, July 6 2022. |
2022 |
“Ethnic Diversity and Social Stratification in Suriname, Cohorts 1940 - 1990” Groningen: Dag van de Sociologie, (Met Tamira Sno). |
2021 |
“Status attainment and social mobility at entry into the labour market, Suriname 1970-2010”. Tamira Sno, Harry BG Ganzeboom. Online: European Consortium for Sociological Research. |
2021 |
“Status Attainment and Social Mobility of Surinamese in Suriname and Surinamese abroad” (met Virin Dewki en Tamira Sno). Utrecht (online): NSV Dag van de Sociologie |
2021 |
“Occupational status attainment and intergenerational mobility of ethnic groups at entry into the labour market, Suriname 1960-2010” (with Tamira Sno). Turku FI (online): ISA-RC28 Spring conference. |
2021 |
“Occupational Stratification in Suriname: a Comparison of an International and Country-specific SEI-scale” (with Tamira Sno). Porto Alegre BR (online): ISA Forum of Sociology |
2020 |
Sno, Tamira E., Harry BG Ganzeboom, and John Schuster. 2020. “Ethnic Diversity and Ethnic Stratification in Suriname in 2012.” In Ethnic Relation in Plural Societies, edited by Maurits Hassankhan and Farzana Gounder, Ch.9. New Delhi IN: Mohar Press. |
2019 |
Sno, Tamira E. & Harry BG Ganzeboom (2019). “The Occupational Stratification of Suriname: Hotdog or Pom?” [Working paper, English translation of Sno & Ganzeboom (2017)]. |
2019 |
Dewki, Virin. (2019). “Sociale Mobiliteit van Surinamers in Nederland en Surinamers in Suriname. ”Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit [BA thesis Opleiding Sociologie]. |
2018 |
Sno, Tamira E; Ganzeboom, Harry BG (2018). “Occupational Status Attainment in Suriname at Labour Market Entry in Suriname 1970-2010”. Presentation Conference on Legacies of Slavery and Indentured Labour, Paramaribo SR, June 21 2018. |
2018 |
Sno, Tamira E; Ganzeboom, Harry BG (2018). “Mother’s and father’s occupation as determinants of occupational status at entry into the labour market”. Presentation ISSP Research Session, Guadalajara MX, April 29 2018. |
2018 |
“Status Attainment and Social Mobility of Surinamese in Suriname and Surinamese Abroad" (met Tamira Sno). Cambridge UK: Cambridge Social Stratification Seminar. |
2018 |
“Occupational Status Attainment in Suriname at Labour Market Entry in Suriname 1970-2010” (with Tamira Sno). Paramaribo SR: Conference on Legacies of Slavery and Indentured Labour. |
2018 |
“Ethnic Diversity and Ethnic Stratification in Suriname in 2012” (with Tamira Sno). Paramaribo SR: Conference on Legacies of Slavery and Indentured Labour. |
2018 |
“Mother’s and father’s occupation as determinants of occupational status at entry into the labor market” (with Tamira E Sno). Guadalajara MX: ISSP Research Session. |
2017 |
Riedewald, Regien GC & Harry BG Ganzeboom. (2017). “Socio-economic Consequences of School Dropout in Suriname.” Poster presented at ISA-RC28, April 1 2017. |
2017 |
Sno, Tamira E. & Harry BG Ganzeboom (2017). “De Beroepenstratificatie van Suriname: Hotdog of Broodje Pom?” Academic Journal of Suriname (8), pp. 771-793 |
2015 |
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Sno, Tamira E. (2015). “Detailed and Crude Measures of Occupational Status; Can We Discard ISCO?” Presentation at ISA RC28 Spring Conference, Tilburg |
2015 |
“The First World Wide Survey On Intergenerational Occupational Status Reproduction – The ISSP 2009”. Cape Town (ZA): ISSP Annual Meeting (met Tamira E. Sno) |
2014 |
“Occupational Stratification in Suriname. A Comparison of International and Country-Specific Indicators” Utrecht: ISOL Seminar. (met Tamira Sno). |
2014 |
“Occupational Stratification in Suriname. A Comparison of International and Country-Specific Indicators” , Berlin DE: ECSR Annual Meeting (with Tamira Sno). |
2014 |
“Occupational Stratification in Suriname. A Comparison of International and Country-Specific Indicators” . Edinburgh: Cambridge Social Stratification Seminar. (met Tamira Sno). |
2014 |
“Post-stratification and Design Weights in the 2012 Surinamese ISSP survey”. Tampere FI: ISSP Annual Meetings. (with Tamira Sno) |
2013 |
“The Occupational Stratification of Suriname.”. Tilburg: ECSR (met Tamira Sno) |
2013 |
“Detailed and Crude Occupations in the ISSP 2009.” Santiago de Chile: ISSP Research Session. (met Tamira Sno) |
2013 |
Social Mobility And Status Attainment Of Surinamese In Suriname And Surinamese In The Netherlands”. Charlottesville VI US: Summer Conference ISA-RC28 |
2013 |
“Ongelijke uitkomsten in het Surinaamse onderwijs: patronen en trends” (met Tamira Sno). SILC Seminar, Afdeling Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
2012 |
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G & Tamira E. Sno. "Sociale Mobiliteit en Statusverwerving van Surinamers in Suriname en Surinamers in Nederland". Paper voor de Dag van de Sociologie, Universiteit Utrecht, 24 mei 2012. |
2012 |
“Sociale Mobiliteit en Statusverwerving van Surinamers in Suriname en Surinamers in Nederland” Utrecht: NSV Dag van de Sociologie. |