Harry Ganzeboom’s Tools for ESS users
(ESS Developmental Project: Improving the Measurement of Social Background in the European Social Survey)
The ESS-DEVO project Improving the Measurement of Social Background in the European Social Survey develops improved measures of social background indicators for the European Social Survey [ESS]. The project has two branches.
· Bringing together all detailed information on education in the main and country-specific data files of ESS and score this information in the International Standard Level of Education [ISLED] using an optimal scaling methodology. o Schröder, Heike & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, Measuring and Modeling Education Levels in European Societies, European Sociological Review (2013), online. o Most recent presentation. o Overview of ISLED (ESS) in pdf o ISLED in ESS (data-file to match with main ESS data, Round 1-2-3-4)
· Coding all parental occupation strings in the International Standard Classification of Occupation 1988 and 2008 and develop new status scores for occupations coded in ISCO-08. o Methodological paper [Dutch version] with most recent presentations (The Hague, 2011 and Lausanne, 2013). o ISCO-88 codes for parents in ESS Rounds 1-2-3-4-5 (data-file to match with main ESS data, Round 1-2-3-4-5). See instruction and citation. o Consult ISCO-08 page for related ongoing work. The education branch of the ESS-DEVO project overlaps with Heike Schröder’s PhD project Scaling the Grades, the occupation part is conducted by Ganzeboom and research assistants. Funding for the project is provided by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NWO, grant 471-09-005. See project proposal.
Last revised: February 10 2014.